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Description of The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Senja (Taken by IG)

Sebelum mulai, saya jadi ingat perkataan Ustaz di sekolah, kalau majelis yang dimulai tanpa salawat itu seburuk-buruk majelis *katanya. Maafkan kalau redaksinya salah, tapi intinya, sih begitu. Maka, yuk salawat dulu.
Allahumma shalli ala muhammad wa ala ali muhhamad. Mudah-mudahan Allah menyampaikan salam untuk Rasulullah SAW, amin.

Hal yang paling lucu adalah mengetahui fakta bahwa ini blog mendunia, ya. Walau lewat dunia maya hungkul #halah. Ternyata, pas ngecek pembacanya ada yang dari Malaysia, Jepang, dll. Nah, jadi agar makin beragam orang yang bacanya (siapa tau ini blog kebaca sama Kang Henry Cavill dkk-nya, amin mimpi di pagi yang dingin) saya posting versi English juga #nyobain. Sejatinya saya mah cuman mindahin ceramahnya Ustaz dari Saudi aja, kok. Heu. Selebihnya, ngindonesia. Ok, this is a lecture from Ustadh Wahaj Tarin. Lets check a look up! Bismillah before read 😊

He said that Prophet Muhammad PBUH is a man of striking appearance, has a radiant face, beautifully created. He's belly wasn't protruding nor was his head disproportionate and small. Proportionate and delicate, finely made, a specimen of a creation. In his eyes there was a contrast. The dark was immensely dark, the white was excessively white and his eye lashes were long. And his voice was a natural echo. And his neck is elegantly long, his beard was full and thick. His eye brows were arched, but they were not joined. It was separated. When he was silent, dignity covered him. And when he spoke, it was audible and clear. Almost commanding and overtaking. From afar, the most striking and outstanding in appearance. And when he came near, the best of them and the most handsome of them in closeness, such an exalted and sweet level of logic. Like when he used to speak it was so coherently logical, it was smooth and easy to understand. He was to the point, not excessive nor too short. His logic, his utterances, his words, were like jewels coming out of a necklace. Calculated, polished one after the other it would flow magically.

He was medium in height, your eye didn't have to strain to look up at him nor was it tedious to look down at him. He was a comfortable sight to look at. He had friends, the people that were with him. They were working around him to try to serve and protect him. When he used to say something, they used to harken to what he used to say. When he commanded they used to compete to fulfil the command. This is Muhammad, the messenger of Allah.

Anas Ibn Malik say's. He says, I came out one night. I came out one night, it was the full moon night. And I looked at the moon in the desert understand the moon as an awesome sight. It is smooth. It is radiant. It is clear. It is gentle. Compared to the scorching sun that they are used to. So the moon was the epitome of beauty. So he says I came out at the full moon night and I looked at the moon, and I saw it beautiful, handsome. So I said, "Let me go see if the moon is more handsome or my prophet is more handsome. Let me see if that is more beautiful or the prophet is more beautiful. So I went and I saw him standing afar. So I looked at his face and I looked at the moon. I looked at his face and I looked at the moon and I looked at his face, and I looked at the moon. And he says, "Wallahi, he was more handsome than the moon in its entirety."

That is just the look of your Rasool. Aisha r.a says, "I was sowing with the needle, my needle dropped in the dark. I couldn't find it, I said, "Ya Rasool, I can't find it." He moved, hia face close and I swear bout of the radiance of his face I found my needle."

The prophet Muhammad PBUH was mind-boggingly handsome, but his handsomeness was covered in dignity, majesty, and reverence.
The sahabah say, when we used to sit at his feet, two feelings conflicting would come on the heart. The first one, you wanted to look at him. You wanted to behold the majesty of his face. And when you wanted to look up, shyness used to overtake you. So you used to look down.

Amr bin 'As, says, "I sat with him many times, but if you asked me to describe his face, I can't describe it. I wouldn't be able to look up to him out of his majesty and reverence. I couldn't look up at him."
And that is why he didn't have the problems Yusuf a.s had, because it was difficult to penetrate the awe and the splendour of the Rasool.

Subhanallah, paham gak? Dikit-dikit pasti paham, kan? Kalau pembaca pada nangis berabe juga. Yowis, gapapa panjang, ya. Saya posting Indonesianya, deh. Dan maaf kalau ...

Rasulullah seorang laki-laki dengan penampilan yang memukau. Wajahnya bercahaya. Sebaik-baik penciptaan. Perutnya tidak menonjol ke luar dan tidak pula bentuk kepalanya tidak seimbang dan kecil. Bentuknya seimbang dan bagus, tercipta dengan sempurna, hasil sebuah penciptaan yang indah. Dan matanya, di sana sangat terlihat sekali perbedaannya. Bola matanya hitam sekali dan warna putihnya selalu putih. Dan bulu matanya panjang. Dan suaranya bergema dengan alami. Next lanjutannya, tiba-tiba jadi takut syalah. 😢😢😢

Rasul mulia, rasul akhir zaman.
MasyaAllah. Biar makin menambah keindahan ini postingan (postingannya mah biasa aja, ngebahas siapanya itu yang bikin gak biasa, hiks), ada syair manis dari para pecinta Rasulullah. Hanya potongan fotonya saja, tentu tak apa, kan? 😊


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